The Russian Orloff Society of USA & Canada
Male description
Shape of Bantam Male
COMB: Walnut-medium size, setting firmly and evenly on head, front not to extend beyond point one third way between nostrils and point of beak and extend backwards to a point perpendicular with eyes.
BEAK: Short, strong, well curved.
FACE: Fine in texture, nearly concealed by relatively long muff feathers.
BROW: Heavily furnished with feathers.
EYES: Large, full partly concealed by brow feathers.
WATTLES: Small, concealed in beard.
EAR LOBES: Small, concealed in beard.
BEARD & MUFFS: Composed of feathers turning horizontally backwards from both sides of beak, from the center, vertically downwards, the whole forming a collar of three ovals in a triangular group, giving a muffed effect.
HEAD: Medium size, wide front, not well rounded, carried so that a line drawn parallel with top of tail will bisect muffs.
NECK: Medium length, well arched.
HACKLE: Abundant, feathers rather short, full at base of head, flowing over shoulders and back.
BACK: Fairly long, broad at shoulders, tapering convexly, sloping considerably to stern.
SADDLE: Abundant, wide, concealing a considerable portion of wing bay.
TAIL: Main Tail- medium length, feathers broad, fairly well spread, carried well back and at an angle of about 70 degrees above horizontal. Sickles-relatively short, very well curved. Lesser Sickles & Coverts- abundant, broad, well curved.
WINGS: Medium length, strong, powerful, carried closely and well above lower thighs. Shoulders & Fronts- slightly raised.
Bows- prominent, well rounded. Coverts- two distinct rows of broad feathers across wings. Primaries- medium length and width, completely concealed by secondaries. Secondaries- medium length, broad, tapering convexly to stern.
BREAST: Well rounded, carried high.
BODY & STERN: Body- rather long, medium depth and width.
Stern- well tucked up; fluff, short.
LEGS & TOES: Legs- medium length, straight when viewed from front. Lower Thighs- medium length, muscular, tapering neatly to hocks. Shanks- medium length, strong, rather coarsely scaled. Spurs- hard, prominent, double spurs to count extra points. Toes- four medium length, strong, straight, well and evenly spaced.
APPEARANCE: Alert, pugnacious.